transmission utilization ratio

英 [trænzˈmɪʃn ˌjuːtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn ˈreɪʃiəʊ] 美 [trænzˈmɪʃn ˌjuːtələˈzeɪʃn ˈreɪʃioʊ]

网络  传输利用率



  1. In the future the transmission rate in wireless multimedia communications will reach 100Mbit/ s. So promotion the utilization ratio of frequency spectrum and increasing the channel capacity is becoming a work which offers many challenges. So will it do in the future.
  2. This method can be used to compress voice and store it continuously, and to save the silence field to transmit data. Compared with traditional method of voice/ data transmission in a frame, this one increases the utilization ratio of the channel.
  3. This paper proposes a new method in integrated transmission of voice and data. This method increases the utilization ratio of the bandwidth.
  4. Study on Fuzzy Control Technology of Hydrostatic-mechanic Transmission for Promoting Utilization Ratio of Power
  5. Performance Index of ALM includes transmission delay, bandwidth utilization ratio, load distribution, robustness, etc.
  6. OFDM is a special kind of multicarrier transmission technology which is effective against multipath fading, and it has high frequency spectrum utilization ratio to achieve data transmission efficiency.
  7. Single frequency network ( SFN), as a transmission carrier for the digital signals of wireless radio and television, can greatly improve the spectrum utilization ratio under the environment where the frequency resources are scarce.